User Experiences

People benefit profoundly when they use our virtual healthcare services. They get the right care, faster. This in turn impacts very positively on your brand. Instead of you telling your audience how great your brand is and how effective your products or services are, you’re having your virtual healthcare users do it for you.

 We cover pre-existing medical conditions.

"The services delivered through our partnership have provided us with the fantastic opportunity to grow our business, increase retention, and bring innovations into our marketplace. In-depth data analysis also shows that the service improves people's health and delivers excellent clinical outcomes. We are really proud of this."

GP Consultations - Teladoc Health UK

Patient Care at
Teladoc Health UK

Customer service manager Giulia explains our approach to patient care within our business.

I highly recommend this invaluable Virtual GP service

This service helped me quit smoking

Virtual GP : the best employee benefit I have

Sudden Back Pain Help on Holiday

‘A lifeline’ Virtual GP service

Virtual GP is my top go-to service

I highly recommend this invaluable Virtual GP service

This service helped me quit smoking

Virtual GP : the best employee benefit I have

Sudden Back Pain Help on Holiday

‘A lifeline’ Virtual GP service

Virtual GP is my top go-to service

“I was experiencing awful symptoms. Teladoc Health has had a huge impact on my recovery.”

As a neurodivergent person, it was hard to receive the help I needed. Teladoc Health changed that.

Sleep deprivation was affecting my Mental Health

Breaking through that fear has changed my life. I’m now back at work.

The Mental Health service pulled me out of a black hole and got me back to work

I feel real relief that I now have a plan in place.

The Second Medical Opinion service has left me feeling empowered about my health

Virtual Physiotherapy helped before and after major knee reconstruction surgery

Unnecessary surgery avoided

Service has enabled my son to get surgery sooner

Teladoc Health UK has become essential to my family’s healthcare

I’m incredibly grateful for the reassurance this service provides

Nutrition: My Favourite Support Service

Teladoc Health UK has become essential to my family’s healthcare

The nutrition consultation has changed my mindset about healthy living.

This service turned me from a diabetic into someone no longer at risk

My 2-year-old is eating again thanks to this service

Simple nutritional and behavioural changes to support weight loss goals.

Sudden Back Pain Help on Holiday

How Virtual Physio helped a deaf runner get race fit

I’m pain-free thanks to Virtual Physio

Virtual Physiotherapy helped me regain mobility and be an active Dad

Physiotherapy Case Study: Neck Pain

Physiotherapy Case Study: Sports Injury

Emily's Story - Second Medical Opinion Service
Our Impact

Most organisations want to improve sales and retention, perhaps with more emphasis placed on one versus the other. Whatever the ultimate goal – top-line growth, increase in market share, brand enhancement – approaches will vary.

Organisations now seek to make deeper relationships with their customers, members, or policyholders by offering them engaging and relevant services that can be used from day one, reflecting less the underlying product/service and more the lifestyle needs of people. Take a look at our most recent Impact Data.

Satisfaction Rates

of people recommend our services
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