"My 2-year-old is eating again thanks to this service"

"My 2-year-old is eating again thanks to this service."

"My 2-year-old is eating again thanks to this service." - Teladoc Health UKSarah Harrison speaks about how Teladoc Health’s Nutrition service helped when she needed advice for her daughter.

“My daughter Emily is two years old, and she went through a stage of not eating properly for days and weeks, and I was struggling to feed her. My manager mentioned your Nutrition service as part of our company benefits, so I immediately booked an appointment. I registered via the app, specified the reasons for the consultation, and it went through quickly.

New family activity and routine

The nutritionist gave me various smoothie recipes to try and have Emily eat something different, which is better than nothing. We are making the smoothies together, and she is willing to try them happily like this. Even my partner and I have some now; this has become a family routine encouraging Emily to have these nutritious drinks. She is a lot better now, has returned to her usual self, and is eating and drinking properly. She has been putting some weight on gradually, and hopefully, it will continue. This is beneficial for all family members’ health.

Without the Nutrition consultation, I would have never thought about this. Having those different recipes is a huge help as I don’t have to go and find them on my own. It saves me time and gives me guidance and freedom to change ingredients and experiment with additional flavours and nutrients.

A solution after months of trying to get help from the NHS

I had been going to the doctors to find a solution to Emily’s eating issues for months and never really got anywhere. I was always told the same thing, I’d have tried to push it a bit more if I did not have this policy, but one can only get so far with the NHS. Having this employee perk is hugely beneficial for me because it allows me to get different non-medical guidance. Doctors only looked at the medical side of why she wasn’t eating; I kept getting the same answer, whereas, with Teladoc Health, I got proper guidance and helpful tools to improve Emily’s appetite.

Teladoc Health‘s Nutrition service is excellent. It has given me a different outlook on nutrition and feeding my child, and it also put my mind at ease knowing there is a solution.”



For more information on how our Nutrition service can help your members, customers, or policyholders, click here. 

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