Meet the expert

Rupal Bhatt
GU Oncology
Teladoc Health UK


Organisation: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Qualifications: MD/PhD
Location: USA

I have been a GU Oncologist for 20 years. I have also been a physician/scientist and also currently work in a company in research and development.

Tell us about yourself

I have two kids and love trail running and eating yummy food!   


Why did you choose your specialty/job role?


I have always loved basic science and oncology is a field where we know so much about the biology of the disease but also have so much still to learn.


What’s the most interesting/memorable case you’ve been involved in for the Second medical Opinion (SMO) service?


I have really loved the cases where I help decide what the primary treatment option for prostate cancer should be. It is so important that patients feel educated when making this decision. 


What do you most enjoy about working for Teladoc Health?


I love being able to help patients during such a stressful time. I love how convenient it may be for patients and their families. 


How do you think patients can benefit from the SMO service?


I think that the opinions can help people come up with good questions and topics of discussion for their treatment teams. 


What is the professional achievement you’re most proud of?


I am so happy to be able to help patients with this service. 



Why did you choose your specialty/job role?


I have always loved basic science and oncology is a field where we know so much about the biology of the disease but also have so much still to learn.


What’s the most interesting/memorable case you’ve been involved in for the Second medical Opinion (SMO) service?


I have really loved the cases where I help decide what the primary treatment option for prostate cancer should be. It is so important that patients feel educated when making this decision. 


What do you most enjoy about working for Teladoc Health?


I love being able to help patients during such a stressful time. I love how convenient it may be for patients and their families. 


How do you think patients can benefit from the SMO service?


I think that the opinions can help people come up with good questions and topics of discussion for their treatment teams. 


What is the professional achievement you’re most proud of?


I am so happy to be able to help patients with this service. 


Patient Experiences

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