“I’ve spent most of my working life in Vienna, and getting a consultation with a medical provider is extremely difficult. I’m 61, and things start to go wrong when you reach that age. I’m lucky to have access to Teladoc Health via my employer’s insurance.
I have used the virtual GP service on three occasions, and it’s been very helpful and reassuring. Each time, the friendly GPs solved a problem very quickly. Consultations are like a Teams meeting. You can see each other face-to-face and have your consultation at a place that works for you (e.g., home or work).
Skin Cancer Concern
Recently, I used it for a skin cancer concern. After viewing my photos, the GP told me that it was a basal cell carcinoma. She told me not to worry as they tend to be slow-growing. They don’t tend to spread. They can be easily cut out. But she said it does need to be cut out. The GP gave me a referral letter the same day to a dermatologist, and I was then able to send it to my insurance company, who then arranged for me to have a consultant appointment. I have just had the surgery to remove it.
I find the virtual GPs very professional and good at responding immediately, so there’s no thinking about it. They provide very clear, concise guidance and are also very reassuring. If you have any questions, you can ask them—they are always very nice and friendly.
If I hadn’t had access to Teladoc Health, it would probably have taken four weeks to see a local doctor in Vienna. This means I would have been living with the fear of cancer. Using Teladoc Health speeds everything up. I’m fortunate because I’ve got this insurance. But I see the day when I won’t have it because I’ll retire!
When you’ve got a service like that, which is so reliable, I wouldn’t waste time trying to book something with my GP. I can’t say enough about how good it is; I wanted to do the testimonial because people should realise just how effective it is.”
“It’s my top go-to service; I wouldn’t consider anything else.”
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