You’re not alone in thinking these past few years have been more stressful and draining than… ever?
The last part is up for contention. But there can be no question it’s been tough. The cost of living crisis that’s been sprung upon us hasn’t made it any easier. Whilst there is no quick fix, we must do all we can to look after ourselves so that we’re also able to support our loved ones in the months ahead. With this in mind, here are the topics we’ll cover in this article:
Due to inflation, food, clothing, energy, and transport are set to become more expensive. The picture isn’t good right now. But we’re not emotionless robots. We can’t just shrug all of this off and get on with it like normal. The price rises may lead to a significant impact on our financial security and overall well-being.
That said, the game plan for Brits to navigate the UK cost of living crisis has to start with health.
Reason being?
A recent survey from found that over 70% of respondents thought the health and well-being of UK citizens have declined during 2022. The pressures associated with the cost of living rise could trigger many potential health issues — too many to list in this article. However, there are a few common warning signs to watch out for:
1. Stress
Our bodies are wired to handle stress — to a point. We’re not invincible (unfortunately). Symptoms of stress for you to be aware of include:
2. Insomnia
Difficulty falling (or staying) asleep can be one of the most obvious clues that you’re stressed.
Many people have a disturbed night now and then. It’s more concerning when you have several nights of poor sleep, as a sufficient amount of shut-eye is arguably the most important factor in maintaining good health.
3. Mood swings
Find that you’re getting more snappy with people lately and regret it after? It’s understandable to feel angry about the present situation. But if you’re taking this out on colleagues, friends, or family, it can be helpful to speak with someone neutral so you can get the feelings off your chest.
4. Fatigue
Worked an extra shift? You’re going to be more tired the next day. Not slept well the night before? Similar outcome.
Persistent fatigue is not to be ignored, though. If it’s starting to affect your quality of life, ask your doctor to investigate other possible root causes.
5. Not looking after yourself as you usually would
Perhaps you’ve had to buy cheaper foods or stop gym membership during this inflationary period. These cost-cutting measures may be essential at the moment, but they can have a trickle-down effect on your health.
If you notice your weight has changed or you’re not looking after your appearance like usual, this could signify a low mood.
Please don’t be afraid to seek out therapy. You know your normal baseline more than anyone.
Are you experiencing any of the health warning signs listed above? Catch them early, and you can take action to resolve the problem.
Here are three options for you to access more support through Teladoc Health, depending on the health setbacks you’re facing:
Thank you for reading. The cost of living rises are set to stay for the foreseeable future, so please take steps to safeguard your health and well-being. It goes without saying, but each of us only has one body — we must look after it as best as we can!
With tailored support for stress, poor sleep, and much more based on dedicated resources created by medical professionals.
Teladoc myStrength is designed for people (16+) looking for emotional wellness support or people (18+) who need structured Mental Health programmes.
Whatever support you need, we will personalise your experience giving you access to the right videos, animations, inspirational stories, audio meditations etc that support your current challenges. You’ll be able to interact with the activities to practice the skills as you learn them.
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