A GP writes | 7 Ways to Beat the Winter blues

Winter low mood or depression, known as Winter Blues (Seasonal Affective Disorder/ SAD), can affect up to two million people in the UK each year, including children. In this article, we look at the symptoms of Winter Blues plus seven ways to reduce symptoms.

Symptoms of Winter Blues:
  • Low mood
  • Sleep problems
  • Feeling fatigued
  • Difficulty managing usual daily activities
  • Overeating/ undereating
  • Not feeling sociable
  • Feeling irritable
 7 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
  • Get out in the daytimetry to get some fresh air, especially at lunchtime and on bright, sunny days.
  • Eat Healthilycolder and darker weather causes us to crave carbohydrates such as potatoes and bread. By balancing these with fruits and vegetables, we can gain more energy and reduce the chances of gaining weight.
  • Keep warmstudies have shown that keeping warm can significantly reduce Winter Blues. Try to have plenty of hot food and drinks. The current energy bills are a huge cause of concern. Try to wear layers and ideally keep the home temperature between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Light boxes give us very strong and focussed light. They can be bought from pharmacies and online stores. A dawn simulator on a bedside light or alarm clock mimics the sunrise.
  • See Friends and Familywinter blues often cause us to stay home and avoid socialising. Meeting family and friends, even briefly, can improve overall well-being.
  • Exerciseeven a few minutes of home exercise daily can help improve overall energy levels and well-being. (For example, do 10 squats while waiting for the kettle to boil or do a free 5-minute online workout.)
  • Obtain helpmany SAD forums can help you connect with people with similar experiences. If you are struggling and need support or guidance, speak to your Virtual GP for professional help.



Author: Dr Debs Basu, GP, Teladoc Health UK

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